Hands-on Courses
Help us make you famous!
We organise hands-on courses in Serdev Sutures Lifts in Sofia, Bulgaria or in your clinic (depending on location). Dr. Serdev is known as a very experienced lecturer, mentor, and preceptor. He has held demonstrations and hands-on courses worldwide and has trained hundreds of surgeons in most countries of the EU, USA, Central and Latin America, Asia, Australia.
Hands-on Courses
Practice makes perfect!
You want detailed, step-by-step instructions? You want to operate under the watch of Dr. Serdev and make sure you are doing it right? Then contact us for a hands-on course!
The courses are held upon request and include:
✓ lectures on selected Serdev Sutures® techniques,
✓ discussion on specific anatomy and “danger zones”,
✓ personal step-by-step guidance and hands-on training in performing the different techniques,
✓ Certificate of training for the areas covered during the workshop.
I – Upper Face, II – Mid-face, III – Lower Face;
IV – Body, V – Rhinoplasty (Surgical), VI – Rhinoplasty (Sutures)
Custom: You can make custom selection of techniques, according on your needs.
NB! One course can cover not more than 2 to 3 techniques, depending on your qualifications and difficulty of the technique.
Apply now!
Application Form
Preliminary Program
Intensive One-Day Courses
Seeing is believing!
You do not have much time to spend off work? Or you want to see how things are done before investing your time and hard earned money in a new type of surgery? Then this course is perfect for you!
The course is an addition to the hands-on course in Serdev Sutures Lifts. As such it consists of:
✓ lectures on Serdev Sutures® techniques,
✓ discussion on specific anatomy and “danger zones”,
✓ live surgery demonstrations on various patients – you can watch as Dr. Serdev and hands-on trainee operate on the models.
If you wish to be able to quickly refresh your knowledge, you can also obtain procedure manuals, as an addition to the courses. You can find them here.
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Further Testimonials:
It’s my pleasure to visit your clinic again but this time to thank you for your support theaching me and the others your new inventions in cosmetic surgery. Your suture techniques have gained a lot of success in the arab world and many patients have gained benefit.
Dr. Mohamed Ghoz, Egypt, 2005
I have learnt a whole new principle and concept of rejuvenation, which I can apply to all aspects of my practice. Thank you very much for a very fruitful day when I have gained so much.
CC Kat, June 2013